Create and close best practices: Operationalizing Outreach

Create and close best practices: Operationalizing Outreach

Operationalizing Outreach to Create and Close More Pipeline

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About this course

In this course, we recommend best practices that help you create and close more pipeline. You will learn how to leverage templates, automation, and AI and machine-learning powered insights in Outreach to maximize your strategic goals at each stage of the sales funnel.

After an introductory lesson, we take you through the sales funnel with our best-practice recommendations:

Activities: get best-practice recommendations for optimizing outbound activities at the top of the funnel

Meetings: get best-practice recommendations for standardizing the meeting process and driving opportunities throughout the sales lifecycle

Opportunities: get best-practice recommendations for increasing deal velocity and forecast accuracy at the bottom of the funnel


  • Introduction to Operationalizing Outreach
  • Getting Started with Outreach
  • Activities: Optimize outbound activities at the top of the funnel
  • Best practices for optimizing outbound activities
  • Activities Lessons
  • Activities action items
  • Meetings: Conduct high-impact meetings throughout the sales lifecycle
  • Best practices for standardizing the meeting process and driving opportunities forward
  • Meetings Lessons
  • Meetings action items
  • Opportunities: Manage deals to close pipeline effectively and forecast accurately
  • Best practices for increasing deal velocity and forecast accuracy
  • Opportunities Lessons
  • Opportunities action items

About this course

In this course, we recommend best practices that help you create and close more pipeline. You will learn how to leverage templates, automation, and AI and machine-learning powered insights in Outreach to maximize your strategic goals at each stage of the sales funnel.

After an introductory lesson, we take you through the sales funnel with our best-practice recommendations:

Activities: get best-practice recommendations for optimizing outbound activities at the top of the funnel

Meetings: get best-practice recommendations for standardizing the meeting process and driving opportunities throughout the sales lifecycle

Opportunities: get best-practice recommendations for increasing deal velocity and forecast accuracy at the bottom of the funnel


  • Introduction to Operationalizing Outreach
  • Getting Started with Outreach
  • Activities: Optimize outbound activities at the top of the funnel
  • Best practices for optimizing outbound activities
  • Activities Lessons
  • Activities action items
  • Meetings: Conduct high-impact meetings throughout the sales lifecycle
  • Best practices for standardizing the meeting process and driving opportunities forward
  • Meetings Lessons
  • Meetings action items
  • Opportunities: Manage deals to close pipeline effectively and forecast accurately
  • Best practices for increasing deal velocity and forecast accuracy
  • Opportunities Lessons
  • Opportunities action items